Return to a new life
A young man gives an insight into his life and how he joined the Islamic State at the age of 16 and went to war in Syria. You can see what helped him get out of the terrorist group in the video!
1. Introducción “Estén atentos al uso de las palabras extremismo y terrorismo” Timothy Snyder…
1. Introduction “Be alert to the use of the words extremism and terrorism” Timothy…
Importancia de la sociedad civil
La sociedad civil representa un recurso infrautilizado para enfrentar el extremismo violento. Podemos ofrecer una…
Civil society represents an underused resource to confront violent extremism. We can offer a positive…
Training for prison officers in October
2-day training for prison staff on 1. and October 2, 2020. Further information is available…
Current information on the “Prevention of Violence and Extremism” course
Course “Preventing Violence and Extremism by Promoting Social and Emotional Competence” 2021 (4 ECTS): 19-21….
Roundtable on October 16, 2020
National Roundtable “Prevention of Extremism in Austria – Networking and Information Event”: October 16th Further…
With partners we can achieve more for people
Preventing violent extremism needs teamwork
– This website is funded by the European Union`s “Internal Security Fund – Police”. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. –