How vulnerable are you to manipulation & extremism?

We have developed an online test for you.


Aims of Rhizome against Polarization

Rhizome against polarization aims to prevent social polarization and violent radicalization in Europe, especially in Spain, Italy and Austria, through a human rights and community-based approach and the strengthening of civil society.

Rhizome against polarization, whose name is said to recall the widespread and stability-giving root networks of plants, is seen as a good basis against violent extremism. It challenges the current prejudices and definitions of “violent extremism” by looking at all forms of expression and avoiding the risk of stigmatising a particular collective.


Preventive work

Learn what is violence, polarization, radicalism, and extremism, what triggers them and what they differ in.


Practical methods

Here you will find a range of exercises and other materials for preventive work.


Activities & trainings

Find out about current training and further education opportunities on the topic.


Political concept

Providing a political concept for public institutions.

The Handbook on Violence Prevention

All in one manual…

Return to a new life

A young man gives an insight into his life and how he joined the Islamic State at the age of 16 and went to war in Syria. You can see what helped him get out of the terrorist group in the video!



1. Introducción   “Estén atentos al uso de las palabras extremismo y terrorismo” Timothy Snyder…

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1.            Introduction   “Be alert to the use of the words extremism and terrorism” Timothy…

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With partners we can achieve more for people
Preventing violent extremism needs teamwork

This website is funded by the European Union`s “Internal Security Fund – Police”. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains. –

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